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PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Industrial Rope ACCESS Tower GONDOLA Scafolder Offshore SportAUTHORIZED DEALER :
Salah satu pemimpin dunia di pasar peralatan pendakian dan peralatan pelindung profesional untuk pekerjaan di ketinggian, militer, dan penyelamatan.
Perusahaan mereka berlokasi di Republik Ceko dekat Taman Nasional Krkonoše dan Bohemian Paradise di mana terletak area panjat tebing batu pasir yang menakjubkan. Sebagian besar staf mereka adalah pemanjat dan bersama dengan para atlet serta profesional yang mereka sponsori, membuat mereka dapat mengembangkan, menguji, dan meningkatkan peralatan pendakian dan pelindung pribadi berkualitas tinggi.
Pertama kali tali Edelweiss diproduksi di Austria, Saat itu tahun 1790 olah raga pendakian gunung baru saja lahir. dan Mont Blanc didaki untuk pertama kalinya. Kebutuhan budaya alpine dipenuhi oleh Edelweiss pada tahun 1935 ketika tali pendakian gunung pertama mereka dibuat. Ini hanyalah awal dari perintis pengembangan perlengkapan gunung, sejarah Edelweiss ditandai dengan inovasi besar yang mendukung evolusi pendakian gunung dan olahraga modern pendakian.
KASK, yang berbasis di Italia, mengkhususkan diri dalam pengembangan, perancangan, dan pembuatan helm pengaman dengan kualitas terbaik.
Di setiap bidang aplikasi helm KASK berada di garis depan, baik itu bersepeda, ski lereng, tur ski, pendakian gunung, pendakian, penyelamatan atau keselamatan kerja.
Asal usul Kong dimulai sejak lama, pada tahun 1830 di sebuah bengkel di kaki Pegunungan Alpen tempat Giuseppe Bonaiti membangkitkan kisah kami, menulis halaman-halaman penting untuk Made in Italy.
Kepedulian untuk memberikan perlindungan maksimal bagi kehidupan manusia, bersama dengan impian bahwa manusia akan “bertahan” saat mendaki puncak, membuat Bonaiti mengekspor produk dan filosofinya ke seluruh dunia.
Produk Karabiner yang dihasilkan telah menjadi perlengkapan nyata bagi semua orang yang mempraktikkan disiplin vertikal.
Pada tahun 1977, perusahaan Bonaiti berganti nama menjadi Kong, namun misinya tetap sama.
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Built around the versatile CMC CLUTCH™ by Harken Industrial™, our DOUBLE CLUTCH Twin Tension Rope System (TTRS) Kit provides best practice twin tension hauling and lowering for technical operations. This premier kit allows technicians to run two rope systems at separate anchors or nested together for side-by-side operation. Mechanical advantage systems can be built on both ropes simultaneously, including a 3:1, 3:1 with change of direction, or complex 5:1. Organized, color-coded, and ready-to-go, this kit minimizes gear sorting and allocation. Teams can shoulder their packs knowing they are prepared to quickly and efficiently deploy TTRS.
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Full Gloves – Kong
High quality suede gloves reinforced with DuPontTM Kevlar® brand fibers on palm and fingers, the perfect choice for via ferrata, adventure parks and rescue.
Rescue 12mm
The Rescue 12mm rope was specially developped for rescue interventions.
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PROLINE 11 mm with Stitched Eye
Ropes from the Proline line benefit from a thick sheath.
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Named for its origin in the rugged Red Rock highlands of northern Arizona, the Arizona Vortex Kit is a unique multipod that was created from years of experimental development. The Vortex represents the pinnacle of at-the-edge frames, which no standard multipod can match today. The recently improved Vortex Bag System allows a single rope technician to carry the entire Vortex Kit using our RigTech Pack™ and 2 redesigned Leg Bags.
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Tripod merk IKAR berbahan alumunium dengan struktur kaki yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda.
Di design khusus untuk penggunaan mobilitas dan dapat digabungkan dengan perangkat penyelamatan lainnya.
Membuat tripod ini menjadi tripod yang layak untuk anda dimiliki !
Best Selling Products
Body Harness
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Fall Arrester
Fully adjustable full body harness with various attachment points intended for rope courses and adventure parks
Large versatile pear-shaped HMS carabiner with triple lock gate and removable captive bar designed especially as a fixed connector in anchor systems or lanyards
Stainless steel AISI 316 quick release, useful in all situations where you may need to quickly disengage from the attachment point (water skiing, longe positioning, etc …)
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Pulley / Rescue Belay / Descent Control
The MPD allows you to go from lowering to raising without changing hardware. More than nine years of research and development went into the patented Multi-Purpose Device (MPD), which features major innovations in advanced technical hardware for rope rescue professionals. The MPD’s high-efficiency pulley, with an integral rope-grab mechanism, allows it to be used as a lowering device on the main line and belay line systems and be quickly changed over to a raising system without switching out or replacing hardware. The combination of essential features into a single device simplifies on-scene rigging, expediting the rescue.
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SITE + K370
Work positioning lanyard with a rope clamp and a stitched-in light alloy connector
Hook for small to medium flakes, edges and rugosities
Mini Ropegrab (Pip Pin)
The RP209 Ropegrab is fitted with a pip-pin axle, making it quick and easy to attach/detach mid-line. A thumb operated push-button is used to disengage the Pip-pin mechanism.
The axle has a chamfered end, to allow for easy location of the pin.
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Hand ascenders for safe and smooth ascent. Extra wide handle and attachment point for two carabiners will fit everyone from bigwall climbers to workers at height or special forces.
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